Timely Quote

Blake Mycoskie is the founder of the hipster shoe company, Toms and in his book "Start Something That Matters" he reflects on the fears he felt when starting Toms, and these words couldn't have been more timely:


"I found some effective ways to live with the fear until I could overcome it. First, I remembered to live my story. I went back to my core question: Why am I doing this? When you go back to your core motivations, you affirm the authenticity of your project, which takes away one of the biggest fears: that you are a fraud. When you live your story, you don't have to pretend you're someone you're not. You can just be yourself. It's been said that there's nothing more dangerous than someone who has nothing to lose -- and it's true in business too. When you are living your story, it means your actions and your mission are the same, which eliminates any room for shame or disappointment, the two emotions that underlie our greatest fears. That's when you have nothing to lose." - Blake Mycoskie

Now, I don't know if those word will mean nearly as much to you as they have to me... 

I'm not one to believe in coincidences... and I literally fell onto this quote about twenty minutes ago... and MAN did I need it! Going back to my core motivation... I'm starting this production company and hiring interns because I want to make a difference through my talents, and I can't do that on my own! Especially in this industry!!!

The funny part is, it sounds like Blake was going through the exact same thing I am at that moment because his next words are "I also made sure to surround myself with interns." And when I read this book the first time I put a BIG circle around that last word and wrote, "Could I bring on interns?"